Thursday, 11 December 2008

Best of 2008

Right, the best of alternative font and sizes!

As a certified film nut job this is a tough one but this year I am gonna agree with the Acadamy and go with No Country For Old Men. No one has done Bad better than Bardeem. And the way they killed off Josh Brolins character (off screen) was audacious.
Other notable mentions go to Cloverfield which just about lived up to the hype. Sidney Lumet at 83 gave us old film makers hope with the smart Before the Devil knows you're dead. Top jonny foreigner film goes to The Counterfeiters. Rich is right to mention Gone Baby Gone. Respect to both Afleck's. In Brugges made me laff.

Album. Surprised myself by singing out loud in the car to Everything is Borrowed by the Streets. Portishead 3rd. Difficult but probably brilliant. MGMT provided the best single tune with Time to Pretend.

To my shame I still haven't seen The Wire so best tele was the very, very funny Entourage.

Book. Again gotta agree with Rich on the with The Road. Look out for the film next year starring Vig Morttenson and directed by John Hillcoat who made the excellent The Proposition. Also enjoyed The Time Traveller's Wife once I got me head round it.

Best curry was Mig's night at The Clove in Southville/Ashton. Top food and a short walk home. Probably dissed by my fellow Dukes who had a 3 day trek back North of the River.

Guilty pleasure. (Sharp intake of breath)...Desperate Housewives. Funny. Dramatic. Inventive.

Best other bit. Swimming with Whale Sharks in the Indain Ocean.

Hope 2009 matches up. Have yerselves a very merry xmas Dukes.

1 comment:

Rich said...

With you on the MGMT single hairy feller, although I think whale sharks are over rated.