Thursday, 13 November 2008

Imelda May

So... today i met Julien Temple... He's going to be directing a video for Imelda May and it's going to have scenes shot at the Louis before and during her show on the 18th Nov.
Tom, Rich, Cris, you're on the list and so is Sir Peter of Stillman.
I can get another 4 people on the list. It will be 1st come 1st served.


Tom said...

Great work Mig. I'm still up for this.

Cris said...

Fuck! Julian Temple is LEGEND!

Mig - I might have a prob with the 18th now so if you would like to very chirtably pass my space onto another worthy Duke then please do!


Anonymous said...

He seemed like a really lovely fella... No worries Cris.. any more takers?

Rich said...

Cheers Mig but unfortunately I too must pass on my guestie. Tom please make sure you get close enough to provide a detailed appraisal of Ms May's charms at the next curry fest.

Tom said...

Rich, this whole thing was your idea, we all just jumped on the bandwagon! Ah well I'll be happy to report back to you on the Imelda May experience at the next curry club meet.